TOGAF - The Open Group Architecture Framework

Item Name Details
01 Overview of the Open Group and TOGAF
A quick overview of The Open Group and TOGAF.
02 Introduction to the Open Group and TOGAF slideset An introduction to The Open Group and TOGAF.
03 Sign on and set up TOGAF exam Access to the Open Group sign up and exam session pages
04 Additional EA Concepts Additional slides supporting TOGAF training courses
05 EA - Review Slides 10thEdition
EA - Review Slides V9
Additional slides for TOGAF course reviews
06 TOGAF Case Study
Case study for TOGAF 9 courses
  • Basic Concepts (3 questions)
  • Core Concepts (3 questions)
  • Introduction to The ADM (3 questions)
  • The Enterprise Continuum (4 questions)
  • The ADM Phases (9 questions)
  • Guidelines for Adjusting The ADM (2 questions)
  • Techniques used in the ADM (4 questions)
  • Architecture Governance (4 questions)
  • Architecture View, Viewpoints and Stakeholders (2 questions)
  • Building Blocks (2 questions)
  • ADM Deliverables (2 questions)
  • TOGAF Reference Models (2 questions)
TOGAF exam question sets for Level 1 - Foundation 

In level 1 exam questions, look for:

  1. Key words
  2. Sets
  3. A basis for separating elements in a list
  4. Statements that make no sense
  5. A more specific answer usually beats a more general answer if they both apply
  6. The answer is for the right phase or domain
  7. Check what the question is really asking for
  8. Make sure you use the answer letter not a phase letter in the answer.
  9. A quick look creating a list of quickly considered answers in the first five minutes may help
  10. Draw the cycle of the provided paper when you enter the exam room.
TOGAF level 1 exam hints
09 Introduction to UML slideset An introduction the the Unified Modelling Language - the prefered general modelling language for TOGAF.
10 Introduction to archimate An introduction to Archimate the prefered architecture modelling language for TOGAF.
11 The Architecture forum The Open Group member forum for the development and use of TOGAF.
12 The Open Group
 The Open Group website.
13 TOGAF website
The TOGAF website.
14 TOGAF on-line manual The on-line manual for TOGAF - very good for browsing the method.
15 TOGAF 9.2 PDF manual
A PDF copy that can be downloaded by members and non-members.
16 The Open Group library A list of publications from the Open Group
17 TOGAF Document Templates Templates for container documents (only accessible to students with a password)
18 Example real world Architecture Vision Document An example architecture vision document template that has been used across many different organisations (only accessible to students with a password).
19 Example real world Solution Architecture Document template. An example solution architecture document template that has been used across many different organisations (only accessible to students with a password).
20 Example set of archimate models Some example models in Archimate format.
21 Example set of UML models Some example models in UML format.
22 GKA Some additional answerss
23 TOGAF and Agile How to create real agility using TOGAF
24 SABSA / Bus Scenario Information on Business Scenarios
25 TOGAF and Agility Webinar Part 1 2.0.pptx TOGAF and Agility Pt1
26 TOGAF and Agility Webinar Part 2 2.0.pptx TOGAF and Agility Pt2
27 Business Scenarios Business Scenario (StudentsOnly)
28 TRM-IIRM Reference Models (StudentsOnly)
29 Enterprise Segment and Capability Architectures A narrated presentation presenting how enterprise, segment and capability architectures are applied to manage the architecture landscape.
30 TOGAF & Capabilities Presentation Business Capabilities Presentation - TOGAF Conference Edinburgh 2022
31 Building Block Configurator - Brochure Building Block Configurator - Brochure
32 Building Block Configurator - Presentation Building Block Configurator - Presentation & Spreadsheet
33 BoK 1
Bok 2
BoK 3
Bok 4
Bok 5
Bok 6
Bodies of Knowledge
34 Foundation Answers Foundation Answers
35 Revised Skills Profiles Proposed Revisions For TOGAF Skills
36 Simpler Architecture Example A Simpler Tailored Archtecture Example.
37 TOGAF Quick Guide A short quick guide to TOGAF

Overview  -top

TOGAF is a framework (a detailed method and a set of supporting tools) for developing an enterprise architecture. It may be used freely by any organization wishing to develop an enterprise architecture for use within that organization, but requires a licence from the Open Group for external commercial use (see 4.5.1 Conditions of Use).

TOGAF is developed and maintained by members of The Open Group, working within the Architecture Forum (refer to The original development of TOGAF Version 1 in 1995 was based on the Technical Architecture Framework for Information Management (TAFIM), developed by the US Department of Defense (DoD). The DoD gave The Open Group explicit permission and encouragement to create TOGAF by building on the TAFIM, which itself was the result of many years of development effort and many millions of dollars of US Government investment.

Starting from this sound foundation, the members of The Open Group Architecture Forum have developed successive versions of TOGAF and published each one on The Open Group public web site.


What is an Enterprise?  -top

TOGAF defines "enterprise" as any collection of organizations that has a common set of goals. For example, an enterprise could be a government agency, a whole corporation, a division of a corporation, a single department, or a chain of geographically distant organizations linked together by common ownership.

The term "enterprise" in the context of "enterprise architecture" can be used to denote both an entire enterprise - encompassing all of its information and technology services, processes, and infrastructure - and a specific domain within the enterprise. In both cases, the architecture crosses multiple systems, and multiple functional groups within the enterprise.

Confusion often arises from the evolving nature of the term "enterprise". An extended enterprise nowadays frequently includes partners, suppliers, and customers. If the goal is to integrate an extended enterprise, then the enterprise comprises the partners, suppliers, and customers, as well as internal business units.

The business operating model concept is useful to determine the nature and scope of the enterprise architecture within an organization. Large corporations and government agencies may comprise multiple enterprises, and may develop and maintain a number of independent enterprise architectures to address each one. However, there is often much in common about the information systems in each enterprise, and there is usually great potential for gain in the use of a common architecture framework. For example, a common framework can provide a basis for the development of an Architecture Repository for the integration and re-use of models, designs, and baseline data.


Benefits  -top

Any organization undertaking, or planning to undertake, the development and implementation of an enterprise architecture for the support of business transformation will benefit from use of TOGAF. Organizations seeking Boundaryless Information Flow can use TOGAF to define and implement the structures and processes to enable access to integrated information within and between enterprises. Organizations that design and implement enterprise architectures using TOGAF are assured of a design and a procurement specification that can facilitate an open systems implementation, thus enabling the benefits of open systems with reduced risk.

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